Online Education Additional Information

Frequently Asked Questions

Do distance education courses have prerequisites?

Online and blended/hybrid courses have the same prerequisite requirements as traditional face-to-face courses.

Check the Academic Program Guide or speak with an Academic Advisor for prerequisite information.

Where can I locate textbook information?

For information regarding textbooks, visit the bookstore website.

How do I find my student ID number?

College ID numbers are seven-digits in length beginning with a zero. To protect the privacy of student records under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) this information will not be relayed via phone or email. ID numbers may be found on acceptance letters, bills, semester schedules, and student ID cards issued by Public Safety.

My login is not working. Who should I contact?

Contact the Help Desk for technical support regarding your Canvas login. You may reach the via phone Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. to 8:30 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., closed Sunday, (856) 374-4900 or 877-326-4512. Email the Help Desk at You may also visit the Help Desk Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. in CIM 204, Blackwood Campus.

My class is not listed on my Canvas account. What should I do?

Most courses will not be accessible until the first day indicated on your schedule. You may receive correspondence from your teacher notifying you that the class can be accessed early. This information will be sent to your Camden County College e-mail address.

We recommend checking your registration with Self Service via MyCCC. If you course is listed on Self Service everything is okay with your registration and your course will be available on the first day of the semester. If your course is not listed on Self Service, contact the Registrar’s Office for assistance.

Do I need to be at my computer on specific days and times instead of attending a regular class?

No. Students complete work at their own pace while meeting weekly deadlines. There may be specific times when the instructor is available or there may be discussion opportunities. However, these are usually arranged at the students' and instructor's mutual convenience.

How is testing handled?

Some instructors use the College test centers on the Blackwood, Camden and Cherry Hill campuses; other instructors arrange for proctored sites within the community (e.g., local libraries, high schools, etc; most instructors place examinations online. The information provided by your instructor will contain specifics about the course's test policies.

Are Chromebooks compatible with Canvas?

Chromebooks are compatible with Canvas.

What browsers work with Canvas?

Firefox or Chrome are the preferred browsers.

  • Chrome 72 and 73
  • Firefox 65 and 66 (Extended Releases are not supported)
  • Flash 31 and 32 (used for recording or viewing audio/video and uploading files)
  • Edge 42 and 44 (Windows only)
  • Respondus Lockdown Browser (supporting the latest system requirements)
  • Safari 11 and 12 (Macintosh only)
Are MacBooks compatible with Canvas?

Canvas runs on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, or any other device with a modern web browser.


Middle States Accreditation-Relevant Federal Regulations

Student identity verification in distance and correspondence education
The Commission must verify that institutions have effective procedures in place to ensure that the students who register in a distance or correspondence education course are the same students who participate in and complete the course, and receive the academic credit (34 CFR 602.17(g)).

Distance Education Student Identity Verification
Best Practices Academic Integrity in Online Education
Acceptable Use of Technology